How should children act at a private gathering?


Childhood (Photo credit: Vineet Radhakrishnan)

I went to a  gathering where there about 40 people. There were tables and chairs set up, and people were eating snacks and drinks.

There were some kids playing tag right in the eating area.  The parents were sitting at a table and smiling while the kids ran around. They weren’t just walking around. They were going at break neck speed. The funny thing was they kept running around me, and avoiding the parents.

I said, to one in my best teacher voice, “you shouldn’t be running in here.”

He looked at me and said,”you’re kidding! ”

I finally went up to the mother and asked, “Is that your child?”

“One of them is,” she answered.

“Aren’t you worried they might get hurt in here? I have to tell you their running is really annoying.”

The man who was in charge of the event looked at me and said, “that’s how we roll around here.”

I couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t a playground, and nobody was supervising them. (Except for me).

Was I being an old curmudgeon or was I right?

What do you think?

Please comment.

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3 thoughts on “How should children act at a private gathering?

  1. I agree wholeheartedly with you. This is a pet peeve of mine, especially in a restaurant. I don’t care if you have a separate room, it still is a restaurant.

  2. You were right. You simply have good manners and that is seemingly not taught like it was in years gone by. When I find myself around unruly children and I see the parents are seemingly oblivious to their behavior I will do what I can do and that is to leave as soon as possible. If I don’t then I will be forced to mete out at least verbal discipline and that is not my job.

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