Twisted 2 : Opera, Ballet, and Classical Music are cool in Columbus, Ohio 

Today I saw the last performance of Twisted 2 at the Ohio Theater. Funny name for a program. Why did  they call it Twisted 2? Because all the Arts twisted together. The first collaboration between the Ballet Met, Columbus Symphony, and Opera Columbus took place in 2014.

I’m so glad I made it to the second one. Artistic directors Edward Liang (Ballet Met), Rosen Milano (Columbus Symphony), and Peggy Kirah Dye (Opera Columbus) outdid themselves. The choreography by Val Caniparoli virtually took my breath away. The Children’s International Choir in combination children’s “Momentum” Dance company added enthusiasm and young energy to the program.

Each of the pieces presented were short, but so satisfying. The orchestra was lit dimly, and on an upper level from the other artists. They played mostly classic pieces that the audience was familiar with, but the added dance and singing made it so entertaining. There was also a large screen that showed films that coincided with the performance. There was a lot to take in, but it all went together perfectly.

Christopher Purdy, a local  celebrity, and a classical DJ, produced a cute film asking Columbus residents questions about the arts that were funny. “How many beers would you need to attend an opera?” Name 3 Operas? The answer that got the biggest laugh was when a hip looking guy said, “I don’t need any beers, I love opera.”

Although I loved each and every little performance my favorite was “Bolero.” Hearing the Columbus Symphony play it masterfully, and watching the dancers sync so creatively to the music was amazing. It was beautiful. (Don’t think just because it’s ballet, it’s going to be all classical, and a little boring: it’s just the opposite with Ballet Met Columbus. )

I also liked when the children ran in from Aisle 1 and 4, and hustle on the stage quickly, and beautifully. They were the chorus from “Carmen.” The “Momentum Dancers” did a quick dance.

Gershwin’s “Summertime” was sung by 4 men which made it a really different version. Usually a saprano sings the main part. This made the song fresh and new.

The whole performance ended with “Ode to Joy” with everyone participating. It was really fantastic. The ending was very cool when all the coffetti fell down from the ceiling. And what a well-choreographed curtain call.

This was really an invitation to attend all the upcoming artistic productions from the various companies that  are coming up. If you’re saying there is not much to do in Columbus, you aren’t looking very hard.