I Never Thought I’d Live to See this day: Donald Trump

Electors do the right thing.

Electors do the right thing.

I was a child of the 60’s. I vaguely remember President Dwight Eisenhower talking to the nation on TV. I watched the Vietnam War on the evening news for years and years. I grieved the assassinations of both Kennedy brothers. I never thought I’d live to see this day. 

I remember Martin Luther King, alive and later dead. I watched in dismay as people demonstrated in this country, peacefully and violently. I never thought I’d live to see this day. 

Most of all, I remember Richard Nixon, forcing to resign from office because of covering up a robbery at the Watergate, I never thought I’d live to see this day.

But Watergate is nothing compared with the corruption, lies, and deceit of this man taking office. He has not one redeeming quality. Not one ounce of goodness. The only emotion he seems to express is revenge.

I also watched with real hope when Barack Obama was elected for the first time.

I thought, our country has overcome prejudice. Now, things will change for the better. I never thought I’d live to see this day. 

At first I laughed when I watched Fox news and heard Rush Limbaugh on the radio. I thought, nobody can take these people seriously. I never thought I’d live to see this day.

I dubiously watched Donald Trump on TV. I cringed when he imitated a person with disabilities, I found his rallies reminiscent of films I’d seen of Adolph Hitler. (Having distant relatives who perished in the Holocaust, I’ve read diaries and stories from that time. I’ve listened to people who were living witnesses to that time. He also had victory rallies.)

There are too many similarities. People thought Hitler was a silly fool who couldn’t possibly last. He suppressed the press, and targeted groups of people: Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals, mentally and physically disabled, and those brave enough to resist him. They never thought they’d  live to see that day.

Too many perished because they were bystanders.

Why do people like this man? He preys on people’s fears. They are afraid that “Isis” is coming to their shores, and they think this narcissistic dictator is going to keep them out. They think they will get rich like him. And who really knows how rich he is? No tax return, and he can’t discern between the truth and a lie.

People think him promoting “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holiday shows he’s a good Christian. This man stands for the total opposite of any religion.

Now, I understand how evil people get in power. They masquerade as something they’re not, and work on people’s fears. They suppress the free press. They promise revenge on anyone who opposes them. They tell people they lied to them and they laugh at them. Those followers are so confused they still don’t acknowledge his shallow soul.

Most of all they tell lies, and after a while the lies start to make sense. Say 2+2=5 long enough and people will start to believe you. Read “1984” by George Orwell. It’s all there.

If somehow, any elector read this post, do the right thing.

A humorous look at finding the Fountain of Youth: at the health club

Two years ago, I made a New Year’s Resolution  to exercise every day  and it’s stuck. Why? I like the high! It gets the blood to my head, releases endorphins. Half-way through I start feeling marvelous.

I look at exercise as an alternative to the FDA’s solution,  pills.

I had to find my own way until  I figured out a routine that suited me.

Seeking the Fountain of Youth at the high-priced Health Club

I’d been doing swimming aerobics at the health club pool for a while, but I thought, why not try for the heavy-duty exercise, the land exercise. Why not try a personal training group?

The first step was signing a contract, and handing over my credit card.

An extra $15o.00 plus monthly membership gave me entry into the newly formed group.

The second step was evaluating my fitness

The next day I headed up to the gym to get my fitness tested. I had to wear headgear that looked like a scuba mask to check my oxygen level on the treadmill. I carefully placed a little gizmo into my bra to record my heartbeat.

When I started by walking as fast as I could, the heart gizmo did not read my heartbeat. I went several times to a back room to put this heart monitor  closer to my heart and aging, sagging bosoms, but to no avail.

” I have another appointment coming, and you’ll just have to try tomorrow,” said the sheepish, red-faced  trainer who was about 19.

I  slowly limped out of the gym, thinking I was already a failure at land based exercise.

The next day, the gym manager, a shapely muscled 24-year old woman, figured out another way to detect my pulse. She read it off the machine somehow, or just made the whole thing up. I was glad to find out I wasn’t heartless or clinically dead.

Joining the personal training class

The next day I showed up bright and early to attend my first class. It was a variety of women of all persuasions. I was the oldest, but I wasn’t the heaviest! They all were running on the treadmills, so I joined them.

Then, the trainer rounded us all up to start our real exercise session.

The affable trainer, Greg, running the session was like a friendly drill sergeant. I furiously rowed on a rowing machine,  rapidly bounced a rubber ball off the wall,  held a plank position, and startled the entire gym when I awkwardly released the weights on a machine and sounded a loud clang.

The worst was the stair-stepper

I would only recommend the stair-stepper for people trying to get information out of a terrorist. They just have to make the thing automatically go really fast. I seriously feared for my life while on this contraption. As my heart began to jump out of my chest, I yelled,” How do I stop this damn thing.” After finding the emergency stop, I thankfully climbed off.

I did last about three months, and I did attempt things I thought I could never do again, like 100 sit ups, burpees, planks and push ups. My stomach was shrinking. I was proud of myself, but I wasn’t  looking forward to the personal training sessions. After a while,  I arrived later and later . Finally,  I didn’t come at all.

So after spending extra money, and torturing myself, I discontinued my contract.

What I needed to do was accept my age and have fun! 

I decided to try things like bike spinning, Zumba dancing, yoga,  running on the elliptical ( while I watch TV with my headphones), and lifting weights with Silver Sneaker (Medicare sponsored) exercise groups.

I also bike ride with my husband, take long walks in the woods, get down on the floor with my grandson and play like a two-year old.

To be truthful, I was never admired for my svelte figure. But I do believe the Fountain of Youth resides within yourself. The right exercise for you, and attitude are important parts of it.

I do have great blood pressure, and an athletic pulse. I have a lot of energy and feel great. Okay, I’m not at an ideal weight, but it’s been worse.

Taking those extra steps makes it possible not to keep 30 or 40 pills organized.

Peletonia: Bike Riders expected to hit $100,000,000 mark in 2015

Cancer. Have you beat it? Are you living with it? Are you helping someone who is fighting it? Has it taken relatives or friends from you?

There is a way to help

People in Columbus, Ohio, have found a way to raise money for cancer research. The objective is to fight cancer once and for all!

Do you like to ride your bike, and challenge yourself? Can you bike 25, 100, or 180 miles? How about riding your bike with other people. A peloton is a group of cyclists riding together. Pelotonia is an event that’s been taking place in Columbus since 2008. If you’re not up to riding, there are plenty of volunteer opportunities.

What’s really unique about this event is that every single dollar goes directly to cancer research. It goes to the Ohio State Comprehensive Cancer Center–Arthur G James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute.

People of all ages participate in this event this year.  Thousands of people raise close to $2000.00. They put profiles on the Pelotonia website, have their own fundraisers, and ask people to donate. Many corporations match the funds.

Why do people participate in this event

” This event saves lives. The Pelotonia event provides hope, community, and second chances for people. The best thing to know is that every single dollar raised goes to cancer,” said Stacey Martinez.

The James Cancer Hospital makes sure that people succumbing to this disease aren’t forgotten.  There are others riding who have cancer,

or are in remission. Many ride and volunteer because they simply want to help.

The Finish Line

Watching people cross the finish line is inspirational. Finishing 25, 100, or 180 miles takes training. It is not an easy task. Almost everyone

inishing flashes a smile, and signals the end with an uplifted arm Some couples and friends clasped hands, and rode in together. Their was also a flurry of applause and ringing cowbells by the spectators.

It’s not too late to give to this event. Maybe your small contribution will push the dollar figure over the $10,000,000 mark it’s supposed to reach by October of this year.

There is still a long way to go. Why not be a part of it. To find out more look at the Pelotonia website: http://www.pelotonia.org.

Were you a Pelotonia participant. What did it mean to you?  Please share.







Should the Pitbull be put to death? Should the babysitter go to jail or pay money?

I can’t believe how people think dogs are equal to humans. They are animals. Dogs and cats give us something that feels like unconditional love and that is very comforting.

A little boy, who was staying with a babysitter, walked over to a dog and took the bone out of his mouth. The dog mauled the little boy, and he is now permanently disfigured. One of his eyes got pulled out of the socket, and one side of his face is scarred. He was adorable before this incident. Now, what is his life going to be like?  How are people going to look at him now?

The dog is an animal, and reacted like one. Maybe they should put the babysitter in jail while they’re putting the dog to sleep, permanently.

I can understand people’s love of their pets. I did have birds once, and was even attributing human characteristics to them and they didn’t even like us. Every time we tried to hold them, they bit us and furiously flapped their wings.  (They did like music, and I felt they kept me some type of company).

I’ve seen people who prefer their animals over people. I can understand that too. But, most dogs, if given the chance will happily run away from their owners.  So what does that tell you?

Should the dog be put to death?

Should the dog be put to death?chance, will run away. What does that tell you?

In my opinion, they should kill the dog and make the babysitter pay the family restitution,  or send her to jail for a few months. It was irresponsible behavior on her part. She is about as guilty as the dog, but we don’t put humans to death unless they kill another human.

When I found out there was a website pleading for this dog’s life, I couldn’t believe it. Have people lost their minds?

I see no reason to keep a dog like this alive. Doing something like this once, he’s bound to do it again.

What do you think? I’m open to your opinion.

10 things volunteering can do for others and you!

1. There’s nothing like giving to others. It makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
2. People do need people. Although some animals need help too.
3. Meet other people you wouldn’t ordinarily ever come in contact with.
4. Share your knowledge about something: for example, art, writing, music…
5. Helping older people is a good thing. Some of them are very isolated, and this is not a good way to live. There are many children who need someone too!
6. Put good karma in the universe. ( I’m not sure there is such a thing, but
who knows?)
7. You would be surprised how many people you help will want to pay it forward and help someone else.
8. Maybe learn a new skill while you’re volunteering.
9. Stretch yourself further than you thought was possible.
10. In the process, you will make some good friends.

What have you gotten out of volunteering? Share your experiences and thoughts.

Trying to come into the 21st century: Machinery and technology hate me. Why oh why?

English: , 2002, hammers a nail during work at...

English: , 2002, hammers a nail during work at a Habitat for Humanity house in . (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I am really trying, but it’s hard! I just got a new Ipad and this is the Ipad application. I am getting dizzy looking at all the stuff you can do with the Ipad. Music, books, and aps, etc. I wasn’t sure if I really wanted an Ipad. I load aps, free of course, but then I am bewildered by them. I added some Facebook thing, and I absolutely didn’t know what to do with it. Group chat? I tried it, but then I located ancient messages I sent people years ago. I’ve had a Mac for years, but I still don’t feel like I really understand it.

I live with a guy who keeps stuff going forever. We really have dial phones in our family room, two of them. You can’t dial out, but you can talk on them. He says, “he can hear on them.” It’s true they are comfy around the ear.

He has an Acer computer he bought 5 years ago, and it works perfectly for him. He is what I call a machine person. He has a relationship with inanimate objects. This makes it impossible for us to get rid of old objects. He keeps them going and going and going.

I don’t feel in control of inanimate objects

Me, on the other hand, I’m not so successful. I break something looking at it. I wouldn’t dare go without an insurance policy on any new item because I know it will eventually break. I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if this new screen I am currently staring at suddenly started to shatter. Without me doing a thing.

I tried working on Habitat for Humanity. They allowed me to hammer two boards together, but ended up taking them apart, and they told me to do something else. I was able to take the floor apart. I must say I couldn’t wait until quitting time. On the other hand some young girl was using the wood-cutter with expertise. So, it’s not a girl thing.

What is simpler than painting a wall? I usually get more paint on me than anything else.

I can spell and feel like I have some control over words. I guess we all have our strong points. Unfortunately, in this world today, inanimate objects are more important than spelling. So, I will keep trying to conquer the techno world, or at least have a general idea of what’s going on!

I’ve never used the Ipad on WordPress. I will see how it all comes out!

Not that good—I had to edit it on the Mama computer. Sigh……..

Cassie Taylor to symbolically finish her Boston Marathon exactly one week from the tragedy!

Boston Marathon

Boston Marathon (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


You have to admire people with a fighting spirit. Cassie Taylor was running her first Boston Marathon for a charitable cause and just appeared on CNN. I was impressed with her


To honor the victims of the race, there was a few moments of silence at 2:50 P.M. Taylor wanted to get a group together to finish the race. There is nothing like silence to make a statement. But nothing can really make up for the senseless death’s of 4 people, Martin Richard, Sean Collier, Krystle Campbell, and Lingzi lu.


Taylor couldn’t get to the real finish line, but she picked a route parallel to it. The real finish line was being secured and off-limits.


Taylor pointed out that so many people who run the Boston Marathon were doing it to raise money for different causes: children’s causes, mental health, Cancer, and other meaningful causes.


She doesn’t want to let the bomber and his dead brother to ruin the good feelings and intentions of many of the runners. The runners who weren’t just running for themselves, but for their charities.


She managed to get 7 other runners to join her. It was a  symbolic finish.


I say, good for them. I  admire their fighting spirit!


A glimpse at the Harmony Project

I belong to a terrific group, The Harmony Project. We sing, share and serve. Here is a video showing us getting ready for a performance.

This group doesn’t just sit and complain about the way things are; they do things.

This season we’re  planting trees, building a playground, and painting murals. That’s just a few things we’re doing this month!

We are also giving a musical performance May 15 and May 16 at the Southern Theater. You can contact me, or call Capa for tickets.

If you know me, see if you can spot me. I’m in the second row wearing purple glasses and a purple shirt!

As you can see, many of us are from the baby boomer generation, but there are people of all ages, races, and different points of view!

It is very cool. I feel like the baby boomers in this group are still holding onto our ideals. This included, peace, love, happiness, and harmony!

I’ve been out of touch with some TV and it’s probably a good thing! Yuck


no-cable-tv (Photo credit: hjl)

Some of the TV shows on cable television are shocking. I started watching some tonight while I tried to crochet. I figured I could listen and figure out what I was doing at the same time. It really didn’t work.  I ended up ripping out my crocheting, but I realized TV has come a long way. A long way downwards.

I won’t pretend I don’t watch TV, and  that some of my choices aren’t  terrific.  I seem to like competitions and weight shows.  I am a regular viewer of Jon Stewart and the Colbert show.  I used to watch the news shows, but they are just people repeating the same things over and over. The news isn’t too good lately anyway.  Talk about a rehash fest.  It’s nothing like the newscasters of old who actually seemed qualified  to comment on the World’s events.

Image representing Twitter as depicted in Crun...

Image via CrunchBase

Tonight, I listened to Kim and  whoever Khardasian live in Miami.  They eat at fancy restaurants, and run around being famous.  I won’t even tell you what they were discussing on the show tonight. It was too gross.

The husband of one of the sisters seems as dumb as a box of rocks. However, I guess he’s smart enough to live with the Khardasian’s and just play. He doesn’t seem to have a job or anything like that. He also was harassing his girlfriend (a Khardasian)  because she weighed 115 pounds instead of 95. She hadn’t taken off her “baby weight” yet. Yes, they have two children, of course, they’re not married.  I am guessing they deserve each other.

I know the Khardasians are wildly popular and have tons of followers on Twitter. Why is this? They are attractive girls, but exactly what do they do?  I guess their show gives the viewers a chance to pretend they’re famous for doing absolutely nothing. What would it be like to have all that money?

I realized that I must be out of touch with society if this is what is going on in real life. Are people really acting like this?  This TV watching was even worse than the Fox channel which I didn’t think was possible.

Then I watched ( and listened) to  some other disgusting shows. They weren’t trying to be reality shows.  Writers actually write this stuff. Are they high on drugs or drunk when they do this?

All they were talking about was sex. How to do it, and who to do it with, what positions to use. They also loved describing body parts. It reminded me of a sophisticated version of sixth grade jokes.  I didn’t get much of a story going on here. Many of the characters were shallow, superficial, and not very likable.

I didn’t get any inspiring type of messages, or positive feelings.
One of the shows I do  watch is “Shameless”, but some of the stuff is getting to rank for me. I will probably keep watching it because there is enough good acting  going on to keep me interested. They do touch on some issues.  Some of the story lines turn me off. (An Indian with a sexual perversion problem, a daughter using her mother to help her have a baby.) Maybe I’m missing something.

Am I just getting old, or has the morality of society really gone down the tubes. It doesn’t seem that we can get much lower than this.

I’m thinking maybe I’d be better off without TV.   But, like many people, I am addicted.  I guess that makes me no better than Kim and her sister taking Miami or whatever they were supposed to be doing.

What do you think about TV?

Trying out yoga again! Downward dog was never so hard!

English: downward dog posture I took this pict...

English: downward dog posture I took this picture for use in the Anahata Yoga instruction manual. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Today, I decided to go and do a yoga class. This is part of my resolve to do something different every week. I am on my never-ending journey to maintain my health.  I have been stepping up the exercise and feel a lot better than a month ago! (I am also trying to eat smartly).

I used to do yoga about 6 years ago. I’ll be honest, I never much liked it. First of all, I have a lot of weight to hold up when I’m up on all fours. Downward dog is not my favorite position to be in . (Maybe it’s because I am allergic to dogs.)  Your hands are lower than your legs, and you have to hold your behind straight up. in the air. Not ever owning a dog, I’m not sure whether dogs actually do this yoga position.

Knowing I might not make it through the class, I did the elliptical machine for 20 minutes beforehand. I put it on heart rate zone, and it got my heart-rate up to 132 which I think is a little high for a 62-year-old woman who is overweight. So, I already was sweating when I went in the yoga class.

The instructor was making the room all dark and playing exotic music. These yoga instructors are all spiritual types who weigh hardly anything. They are real flexible and can do all sorts of tricks with their bodies.  They also spout off smatterings of pithy sayings coming from Eastern philosophy. I like that part.

Anyway, I was already tired after I was sitting Indian style. It must be cause I’m so weak. My back does not want to be straight.  Then I figured out that my pants were actually too tight around the waist. Not a good beginning. If you go, make sure your pants are loose! That’s why they make yoga pants.

I was bound and determined to make it through the class . One thing I should have known from experience is it’s not smart to eat cereal and drink 2 cups of coffee before you point your head towards the floor.   I reviewed my morning breakfast during downward dog. I was glad my breakfast stayed where it was. Then, for some unknown reason my eyes and nose began running. (Downward dog?)  I was having an allergy attack while I was trying to stretch my arm around my right side while putting my left foot in front of my right foot. Then my glasses kept falling off my head. So, I kept removing them, but I couldn’t see the instructor, so I had to keep putting them on and off.

I actually wanted to leave after the first 10 minutes, but I’m proud to say I did the entire class. Not like everyone else, but I did what I could. Which wasn’t a whole lot, but the sweat was pouring off my forehead.

The instructor was very sweet, and kept giving modifications for my benefit. In yoga they usually stress doing what you can, and not worrying about what other people are doing. I’m fine with that!

One thing I do know about yoga is that stretching and breathing is a good thing. I was so happy when we got to the part where we relax. I wasn’t expecting the instructor to put a towel around my eyes.  That was a little strange. Usually they put it on your body.

The class was finally over and I said my final  Namaste. I will say I felt terrific when it was over.

I’ll try again next week.

I would recommend yoga. From past experience, it helps burn calories and gets oxygen going through you body.  You’re so happy when it’s finally over too!

Do you have an exercise you don’t enjoy, but do it because you feel better when it’s over!