Why I Like the TV Show, “The Little Couple.”

imageThere aren’t many reality TV shows that hook me in, but I do like “The Little Couple.”

These are people who suffer from a genetic disorder that makes them shorter than the rest of us. When watching the show, it’s quite easy to forget about their disabilities in the first few minutes. I guess you could argue that it’s like a freak show, but I don’t agree. I think it is allowing people to see that little people are just like the rest of us. They have personality flaws, and good points too. This particular couple are very appealing because of their positive attitudes and love for each other.

I went to graduate school with a little person, and I did forget about her disability in no time at all. I must admit that I wasn’t sure how I should interact with her at first. I quickly figured out the only real difference between us was height.

Naturally, being that small presents enormous problems with every day getting around. Reaching things like car doors, cooking in the kitchen, etc. The show, “The Little Couple” addresses these problems. It shows ways to cope with them.

This little couple is very accomplished , judging from the house they live in and the jobs they hold. Bill is a business owner, and Jen is a doctor. They both have engaging personalities and are truly in love. The show is all about their marriage. Recently it’s been about them adopting two children ( also little people) from different countries.

Three year old Will seems to be a very insightful, compassionate and a smart child. He comes from China and calls Bill Baba (Chinese word for dad). When the couple adopted Zooey (from India) she was quite upset, but in recent episodes she appears happy and well-adjusted. The little couple are good parents and seem thrilled about parenthood.

You can’t help but like Bill because he is so easygoing and interacts with the children in such a sweet, caring manner.

Jen is little, but she has a big presence. Watching her go through chemotherapy for a rare cancer, and putting her newly adopted children above herself is truly inspiring.

I’m not alone in liking this show. It has a huge following on Facebook and on TV. Everyone needs inspiration, and they get it from this show.

Are you a fan of this show? Why?

TV’s Supernanny is cool: A Review. Ten of the best techniques I’ve gleaned from the show.

I am fascinated by the Supernanny.  She’s the English Nanny who helps rescue people being over-run by their kids.  What’s most fascinating about her is that she doesn’t have any kids, but she seems to have a good understanding of what makes kids tick. No matter how assertive she is with the children,  the kids seem to love her. She knows the difference between being stern and mean. (It is TV) It just proves that kids are looking for authority figures, not friends.

This lady has good ideas. I was watching a marathon of these shows yesterday. Why I should be interested after I’m all done with mothering bewilders me. Maybe I’m just glad I didn’t live with abusive kids.

These new parents have a lot on their plates. It takes two incomes to raise kids these days. It’s a lot of responsibility, work and time.  I think maybe we’ve lost sight of what’s important. I think our mothers, father, and grandparents had a better idea.

I’m not saying I was the perfect mother, far from it. Luckily, my kids came out all right, but I  could have used some of the techniques I see proposed on this TV show.

Ten Valuable Techniques (I’ve watched


Supernanny (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Supernanny teach hapless parents.)

1 .When disciplining the child, get down on their level. Have them think about what they did wrong, then have them apologize. (I actually did use this technique. It was in place in the medieval times. )
2. Put some authority in your voice, so they know you mean business.
3. Make them go in their corner or room for one minute per age.
4. If they get out of bed at night, just put them back in their beds. The first time, say something, but after that don’t talk, just put them back in bed.
5 .Don’t let them use bad language, kick, hit or abuse the parents. It should never be tolerated.
6. Keep a good routine going. Give them thing to do that they will like. (Don’t just expect toys or TV  to completely entertain them.)
7 .Make sure your house is safe and that they can’t get into trouble.
8. Give them responsibility.
9. Take time to play with them.
10 Take time to listen to them.

Clinging Child

The story that I found unbelievable was about a little boy who was clinging onto his mother. She couldn’t walk 10 feet without him putting up his arms and demanding that she pick him up. She never turned him down.  He also decided what time his  mom and he should go to bed.  When he got tired, he happily crawled in bed with Mom and Dad (already asleep).

Supernanny gave Mom several  techniques to un-cling little 2-year old.  Mom was unwittingly promoting these  clinging habits. Dad wasn’t helping because when  he came home from work, he had transition time which never ended. He sat on a chair all night and watched TV. As soon as he became engaged with his kids, things began to improve.

It all came out all right. (At least on the TV show.)  The clinging  child  finally went to sleep in his own bed, disengaged from his mom and stopped throwing tantrums every time she put him on the floor.

If the kids featured on Supernanny are messed up, it’s easy to see who is responsible. It usually goes back to Mom and Dad.

The parents don’t seem to have any insight in what they’re doing to create these little monsters. Some parents are afraid of their kids not liking them, some are too lazy to tend to their kid’s needs, and others just don’t know what to do.

It seems peculiar that they don’t teach these kinds of skills in school. I think it’s needed now, more than ever.

Your thoughts?

Impressions of The Long Island Medium: another show on TLC

The Long Island Medium

I don’t know about you, but I have tried to contact my dead relatives. I’ve even said aloud, “visit me in a dream, rattle my lamps, please.”  But nothing happens. I figure, maybe they’re not happy with me, or have nothing left to say, or maybe they’ve really vanished.

I’m wondering if I should go see the Long Island Medium. She’s coming to my home town  in a couple of weeks. She stars on a show on TLC. You know the great shows they have, Honey Boo Boo,  the old  Kate plus 8 plus what’s his name before they got divorced.  I’m surprised Octomom doesn’t have a featured show.

I love this show. First of all, the long Island medium, Theresa Caputo, amuses  me up on several levels . I like her teased dyed blonde hair. Her clothes are all right, but sometimes she looks slightly trashy.  But, what I like most is her snappy patter and common sense. She is also an adoring wife and mother although she seems slightly overbearing at times.

Sometimes her family—husband, son, and daughter— roll their eyes when she starts another reading. Her husband and son couldn’t even go sky diving without her reuniting the owner of the sky diving company with his deceased parents.

People’s eyes fill up with tears when she gives messages from their deceased loved ones. Sometimes they feel guilty about how their loved ones passed. They didn’t get to say goodbye or they were inconsiderate. Theresa  gives them closure. Wouldn’t we all like to say one last thing to our friends, and family?

Theresa knows secrets nobody else would possibly know. How would anyone know somebody was carrying a picture in their wallet of their old dead boyfriend? How could they know the words they spoke to their loved ones when nobody was around. Tina seems to know it all. Plus, she’s so matter-of-fact about it. She has no doubt that spirits are talking to her.

The show airs on TLC on Sunday night. Watch it. Even if it isn’t true, it’s entertaining. And who knows? Maybe one day we’ll all be spirits floating around together. It’s a nice thought. Better than vanishing into thin air.

TV Reaches a new low: Nancy Grace Weighs in on Honey Boo Boo

Nancy Grace's Objection! — How High-Priced Def...

Nancy Grace’s Objection! — How High-Priced Defense Attorneys, Celebrity Defendants, and a 24/7 Media Have Hijacked Our Criminal Justice System (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

You want evidence our society is in trouble? What Toddlers and Tiaras. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. The show where the wannabe mothers doll their kids up, put on make up, and sexualize them with strange costumes.

There is a new offshoot starring Honey Boo Boo, one of the little beauty queens.

I really cannot take the lawyer Nancy Grace, but I stumbled upon her show while surfing the television. Nancy Grace seems just plain mean and nasty. (Her voice modulates between nasty and overly  sweet which just seems dishonest to me.)  She claims to want to help innocent victims of crime. The former prosecutor is pretty brutal to some of her guests. I think she drove one of them to suicide.

Every once in a while she’ll be talking about a controversial subject that interests me, so I’ll watch her show. Sometimes I find her extreme behavior slightly entertaining.

She was talking about “Honey Boo Boo”, a star from Toddlers and Tiaras.  Her mother is obviously starved for attention and is using Honey Boo Boo to make a name for herself.  She is succeeding.

One of Nancy’s guests was Mike Walker from the National Enquirer, the best trashy newspaper rag out there. Why Walker was offended by Honey Boo Boo makes no sense. He makes a living digging up dirt.  He should love watching Honey Boo Boo dress up in her Dolly Parton outfit, and wiggle her little behind.

Nancy Grace  on a campaign to stop Honey Boo Boo and her mother. (You may remember Nancy on Dancing with the Stars. She wasn’t afraid to wear provocative costumes on her overweight body.)

Nancy feels that sexual pedophiles are loving this show, and might go and try to hunt these little girls down. She contends that is probably what happened to Jon Benet Ramsey, the little beauty pageant winner who was murdered. They never found her killer.

Nancy  showed a video of Honey Boo Boo dancing at a college bar on top of the bar.   She also showed her pulling up her little shirt, rubbing her  already fat naked tummy, and drinking Go Go juice, a combination of Red Bull and Mountain Dew.  Honey Boo Boo  said, “it makes me laugh, and pull mommy’s hair.” She only uses it before a performance.

Honey Boo Boo’s father, a convicted felon, is trying to take custody of her. Like Nancy Grace, he feels this is child abuse. God knows what he’s planning to do with Honey Boo Boo once he gets custody.

But as much as Nancy Grace annoys me, I have to agree with her.

If those mothers want to be glamorous strippers, they ought to lose weight, get themselves in shape and live out their dreams. There is nothing more abusive than a parent who lives out their fantasies and dreams through their children.

What they’re doing to their kids is child abuse.

What is even sadder is that Toddlers and Tiaras is TLC’s—The Learning Channels—#1 show. Honey Boo Boo is an instant hit.

One of my friends suggested that people watch those shows to make themselves feel superior. (I may be a lousy mom, but at least I don’t dress up my child, and allow them to dance on top of a bar, or walk in a sexual way.)

Do you think there is a place for kiddie beauty pageants? Do you think Honey Boo Boo’s mom loves her child more than she loves herself? Convince me I’m wrong.

Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition…Nyla’s Story


I  like the “Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition.  Chris Powell,  the trainer, actually seems interested in making transformations among people.

But, there is something nosy and wrong  about watching extremely obese people begin to work out. They sweat, pant, grown, and look like they’re about to die.

But, it is great to watch them make progress, and “transform.”

Nyla, the recent episode struck a chord with me. I like watching strong women succeed.

This woman started out at 438 pounds. There is no doubt that she got this big because she has emotional problems.

It all stems from the fact that she was abandoned by her father when she was very little. Now, she can’t remember him, and he doesn’t really know her. Somehow, she’s found his loss so hurtful that she’s eaten to make up for it. ( It seemed hard to believe that missing someone you never really knew would upset you, but who’s to say what hurts other people. )

At first, she is really happy that Chris is going to help her. But what she finds out how hard it’s going to be, she gives up. More than once. She seems to be afraid to face her fears. She gets to a point, then gives up. She is afraid of failure.

One of the things Chris has her do to face her fears is to move the opposite way up a down escalator. To me, this seems a little, well….extreme.

She refuses to do it.

More than one time they butt heads. I like Nyla because she is a strong-minded woman. She’s not a mealy-mouthed type.

Everything is going up and down, until Chris hires a private investigator to find her family. Although her father is dead, she gets to meet the rest of his family. This closes the chapter on her feeling awful about the whole thing, and she gets a new family.

My favorite part is when she gets a dance lesson from one of the instructors from “Dancing With the Stars.” Being able to move rhythmically has nothing to do with being overweight!

Without ruining the whole show, let’s just say that she looks pretty good at the end although she can stand to lose some more weight.

Somehow, you’re pretty sure she’s going to succeed.

10 Things You Should Not Do

English: This photo depicts Donald Trump's sta...

English: This photo depicts Donald Trump’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1. Making fun or insulting others to get a laugh. (Don Rickles, Joan Rivers, Kathy Griffin, Bill Mahr,  Steven Colbert and most comedians. We laugh with them at people.)

At first, I included Jon Stewart, but after thinking it over I decided his humor is not mean-spirited. I like the way he gets his point across. He reminds me of an intellectual Johnny Carson.

Some people carry this  line of comedy into real life towards real people. Insulting other is not nice or funny.

2. Believing that you are superior to everyone. (Donald Trump, Carl Rove, Rush Limbaugh, etc.)

3. Not listening to anyone else.( Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity.)

4. Talking only about yourself. (Donald Trump)

5. Being rude to hard-working people in stores and restaurants. There’s plenty of ordinary people who do that. It’s really pathetic behavior, and if you do it, stop it immediately!

6. Driving drunk or drugged up. (Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton)

7. Saying things that you know will embarrass others.(Donald Trump, Joan Rivers)

8. Calling people childish names, like pig.  (Donald Trump). Name calling in general is a no no.

9. Looking at the bad side of life. Fox channel, CNN Channel, Local News,  Reality Shows, The Khardashians, Dr. Drew, Dr. Phil, Prison reality type shows, Serial Killer Documentaries, television in general)

10. Being a home wrecker, and speaking ill of the dead. (Rielle Hunter)

As I was writing this, I wondered why those people are famous? What’s even sadder is that they are rich too. Some of them, like Mr. Trump, have stars embedded in cement.

I am interested enough  to read all the gossip magazines, watch reality shows and mention these people.

I do not like it when I am the target of humor that is directed at me. Especially humor that makes fun of my weaknesses. (I have plenty.)

Maybe we need some better role models.When did things change? Where should we draw the line? Which of these people offend, and which don’t. Do you agree or disagree with me?

The fact is that we like controversial people. Go figure?


Extreme Makeover Weight Loss: Mike’s Story

Tonight, I watched Extreme Makeover Weight Loss. This is the TV show that follows a very obese person for a year.  I occasionally watch these programs to inspire myself to lose weight. It’s kind of like attending a Weight Watchers meeting.

We have the adorable personal trainer, Chris, who picks a person to work with for a year. He tortures them in the gym. He makes them lift weights, run, and want to scream bloody murder.  He makes them move their fat all over the place. Despite all the hardship he puts them through, they usually end up being best buds with him.

What I found truly inspirational about Mike’s story was his family.  They all pledged to lose weight right along with him. They did it too! That is real love.

How did he get so fat? He was a shy guy, and  spent a lot of time in front of his computer, TV  and turned to food for comfort. Sound familiar?

One of Mike’s goals was to run a triathlon. Eventually, after losing gobs of weight, he gets to the point where he can attempt it. Cute Chris runs right with him. Mike struggles and struggles, but finally makes it across the finish line. Talk about an extreme race. I was glad he didn’t have a heart attack.  But, we love to watch him triumph, so what’s better than a triathlon?

Meanwhile, he’s met the first girlfriend of his life. Every time they show her, she’s crying because she’s so happy that Mike is in love with her.  I’m wondering why Mike is picking such an obese girl for his girlfriend. It doesn’t seem like she’d be good for him. After all, he’s going through agony so he’s not obese anymore. It’s kind of  like an alcoholic living with another alcoholic. Not such a great idea.

Time marches on, and Mike loses a whopping 232 pounds. He also has skin surgery, and looks fabulous at the weigh-in. He’s a hunk. His family has also lost weight too. Everyone is happy. Too make things even more glorious, Wal-Mart has supplied him with a $50,000 gift certificate. (Shouldn’t they give that to a hungry family?)


The next time we see Mike, it’s a couple of months later. He doesn’t look quite as buff as he did in the reveal. As a matter of fact, he looks like he’s put some weight back on. He dumped his girlfriend.

I hope he keeps the majority of his weight off. But the problem is, excess weight has more to do with emotions than it does to running marathons, or doing 400 push ups. Besides, who can keep up that training schedule?

Am I expressing sour grapes? Experiences with regaining weight after spending hundreds of dollars at Weight watchers? Watching so many people lose and regain weight?

But, it does inspire me, and I’ll watch the next episode.  After all,

My Weight Loss Coach

My Weight Loss Coach (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

hope is eternal.

What do you think? Is the show exploitive or inspirational? Should we watch it? Is it a crime to be obese?

I Used to be Fat: TV Review

I Used to Be Fat

I Used to Be Fat (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Sometimes, I really like to watch those weight TV shows. They seem to motivate me. I really would like to take off some pounds. Like everything else, you have to work at it.

I watched a teenage oriented show on MTV entitled I used to be Fat. The young woman on it had been fat all her life.

When we meet her parents, and family we understand why. Although I do believe some people have a tendency to put on weight, the environment plays just as big a role.

They have all the creamy bad stuff in their pantry and refrigerator. Several different types of pancake mix, creamy stuff, and generally bad. They all put it in a big sack to give to the food pantry. (I suppose it’s not okay for them, but okay for the poor.)

Anyway, this young girl has a trainer who is merciless on her. The first day she is running across the football field. When she’s done with that, she’s going up and down the stairs of the stadium. ( I think he could have just had her run back and forth across the football field on her first day.)

Her father, who is overweight himself, tried to motivate her. He obviously cares about her, and that’s a good thing. I think it’s the case of the pot calling the kettle black. I think it would really motivate her  more if he was earnestly trying to take off some of his bulk. It looks like he’s making a half hearted attempt.  Her mother seems to be out of the picture. She does take responsibility for her kids being overweight.

The trainer and father point out that losing weight is a mental exercise. She keeps saying she can’t, can’t, and can’t. Finally she starts saying, “yes, I can.” (Sound familiar).

There is one scene where she goes to a restaurant with her brother and friend. They order all that bad stuff that they serve in restaurants:  hamburgers, french fries, and fried food. They seem to enjoy taunting her with it. She orders a salad, but you know those restaurant salads, some of them are loaded with hidden calories. At least she’s trying.

Finally, she manages to run a marathon, and succeeds. She goes off to college, and after about 3 more months she’s lost 79 pounds, and looks like a different person. (She could’ve picked a more flattering outfit to show off her good points.)

Her parents at the reveal still look pretty overweight. That was a disappointment. It means she’ll go back to the same lousy food environment when she comes home.

This program reminded me that losing weight is such a mental exercise, and that negative self talk is such a defeating thing. If you can find some determination, you can change things for yourself. (Even if you’re over 60)

Even thought this show was about a teenager, I still found it full of good information. It’s things I knew, but needed to be reminded about.



Season 14 Dancing with the Stars: Final: A Winner Declared!

Donald Driver

Donald Driver (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Season 14 cast opened up the show with a very exciting dance.  At first, I just thought it was only  the pros. It looked great. It was a chance for them to take a final bow. Very impressive!

Everyone agrees that the dancing in this season was the best ever.

Finalists were wearing pink and black costumes.

Brooke, the host, was wearing a gorgeous pink dress. It was connected with some kind of buckle thing.  I’ve noticed her boobs haven’t popped out of her dress since I mentioned it on my blog. You think she read it?

The judges wanted to see Donald Driver and Peta do their freestyle again. It was another session of him throwing her around like a football. It made me nervous. What if he dropped her? This girl is one tough cookie.

Here are some comments from the judges about the finalists:

“Donald is like a gladiator coming out to do battle.”
“Katherine has technique.”
William Levy has great charisma.”

Huge photos of William Levy, Katherine Jenkins, and Donald Driver were on the DWTS set.  There are spotlights all over the room.  There was palpable excitement.

What follows are some highlights of the show. Former cast members got a chance to show their stuff.

Review of the show
Sherrie Shepherd  looks like she lost a few pounds.
She dance to a ridiculous song I’ve never understood, “It’s Raining Men.”
I enjoyed Sherrie’s dance with 6 sexy male pros. They lifted her up, still no small feat.

We were then treated with highlights from the season. How soon we forget the other contestants.

Kelly Clarkson gets to sing! You know, Kelly, the first American Idol finalist.

Brooke went to check out the 24-hour dances they all had to put together the day before the final. She talked to William Levy and Cheryl who were wearing snazzy costumes. She asks provocative questions like, “Are you nervous?” .

Martina was wearing a very cute dress, and looked pretty feminine, She did a good job dancing.

Jack Wagner was wearing a black outfit, and he danced competently.  He looked feminine too. (Sorry Jack, for some reason I don’t like you. You must remind me of someone.)

 Gladys Knight—did a great job dancing wearing a very cool red outfit.

Melissa Gilbert—Good dance with Maks and his brother.  Roshon did a great dance wearing a nice blue outfit.

Williams Levy —Great last dance, the salsa, all the shaking in the right places. He is something.

As Carrie Ann said, “true star quality.” His little boy said, “ I love you daddy.”  Cheryl, his partner, said, “He was a true talent, and he challenged me.” Final Score: 89/90

Katherine Jenkins and Mark
“I’ve loved every minute of it,” said Katherine. Here last dance was a jive.
Adorable  50‘s orange outfits to “splish splash I was taking a bath on a Saturday night,” an old Bobby Darin song. (Some of you may be asking who? Look it up.)
Such a cute dance!

Carrie Ann: “You two set the bar so high.” She gave Mark credit.

Len: ” I tell you Katherine, you’re the complete package.”
“Thank you for making me so welcome in America.”  Donny Osmond told her, “If you win it, believe me, It’s worth it.” Final Score: 90/90

Donald Driver
Peta thought Donald was a great partner.
Cha cha cha
They were both wearing pink costumes. Peta looks good in her skimpy outfits.
Donald took his shirt off!  He  gave it to Carrie Ann. He is as good a dancer as anyone, and he obviously works out.
Len: “You’re the best footballer we’ve ever had.”
Bruno: “Always inspired.”
Carrie Ann: “You’re the one to beat!”

I think it will be Donald Driver. 89/90

His little kids, very adorable, said, “Daddy we love you.”
The beefy teammates told him not to drop the ball because he was almost at the end zone.

Before the announcement of the winner, Gladys Knight sang a tribute to the finalists, “The Way we Were.” She was wearing a beautiful sequined black dress.  She sings much better than she dances. They showed the finalists in a big montage on a huge screen while she was singing. .

3rd place: William and Cheryl. His little boy is crying, Aw!
2nd place:  Katherine Jenkins and Mark
Winner:  Donald Driver is the winner! Honestly, it was no surprise to me, and I wrote this as I watched it.

He was presented with the Mirror ball or is it Miraball?

Until the 15th season, goodbye Dancing with the Stars

Please comment on the results. What do you think?

Semi-finalists in DWTS Announced!

Maria Menounos at the 81st Academy Awards

Maria Menounos at the 81st Academy Awards (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

They announced the semifinalists for Dwts’s last night. Poor Maria Menounos got the boot. I was sad because I love to watch her partner, Derek dance. I really thought she showed great improvement. Maybe she got eliminated because of her bizarre laugh. I can’t really think of another reason. During the season, she really won me over.

Features in the Semi-final show
I  enjoyed the dance sponsored by Macys. It was a dance to The End of Time by Beyonce. Two pros Chelsie and Tristan danced together. Wow!

Fans chose the costumes. It was a sexy red costume for Chelsie, and black costume with red stripes for Tristan. It was a wonderful dance, and I enjoyed every minute of it.

At the end , Chelsie  stood on a box, and air blew up her skirt  . If you’re a baby boomer you will know it was reminiscent of Marilyn Monroe in “Some Like it Hot.”

Alanis Morissette also sang during this show. Her jeweled guitar was unique.  Some dancers dressed in white did an exquisite dance. They portrayed people in love. Nothing like the art of dance to express love.

Julianne Hough, Derek’s sister, was featured in a promo for Rock of Ages, a new movie coming out. It also featured Mary J.  Blige. I can’t wait to see this movie. I guess it helps to have Ryan Seacrest for a boyfriend.

If that wasn’t enough, Carrie Underwood was also featured. I like the kind of country she sings. To me, it sounds like a cross between country and rock.

Next week is the finals: William Levy, Donald Driver and Katherine Jenkins will be vying for the grand prize, a tacky looking trophy, the Mirror Ball.

I’m betting Donald Driver wins because everyone loves football. I would like Katherine to win. I like William Levy too. Who wouldn’t?

I can’t wait!