Ten stupid things women do for men: A little humor, but it’s not that funny.

English: Leg hair of a 17-year old white male

English: Leg hair of a 17-year old white male (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

1. Shave their underarm and leg hair. My husband absolutely goes crazy when he sees I have a hair in one of those places. In the meantime, you should see him. I am certain a man thought this up in the first place.

2. Wear makeup. This is really stupid. Painting our faces? How many men wear makeup? I do enjoy wearing it sometimes. But, I’m at the point where it doesn’t do that much good.  Maybe a little bitterness here.

3. Wearing a bra. What’s wrong with being au natural. When you get older, your breasts droop. God forbid anyone should know your not a young thing with perky breasts.

4. Dying our hair. More men than woman go around with gray hair, and this is socially acceptable. My husband pitches a fit any time I suggest I go gray. He humorously says, “I don’t want to be with an old woman.”  I am 11 months older than him.

5.  Wearing Spanx. I watched a story about this on  Nightline tonight.  How many men wear Spanx?.  A woman did create this. She says, “it gives women confidence.” Now, why don’t men feel like they should have confidence like this. (She’s on the Forbes list of billionaires.) Who knew there was big bucks in sucking it in.

6. Making their breasts bigger. I remember I worked with a “girl” who did this years ago. After her boob job she loved prancing through the mall with her ponderous boobs (balloons really) ll. She liked guys looking at her and saying “she was hot.” She really enjoyed becoming a sexual object.

7. Making their rear ends  bigger. This one is too silly. I always wanted mine smaller. I also read an article about someone’s fake rear end  folding in on itself. It was going the wrong way.

8. Wearing expensive perfume. I guess it doesn’t hurt to smell nice. But, men don’t waste nearly as much money on smelling good.

9. Some woman, even old ones, won’t cut their hair or change their hairstyles because their husbands won’t like it. There’s nothing sadder than watching an old lady with an outdated long  hairstyle.

10. The dumbest things some women do for men is let the man run everything. Now, how many men would put up with that?   And that’s not funny. Not even a little.

Any other things you can think of? I would appreciate your comments! Scan to the end of this post to get to the reply section!

Today I got back on track

Today, I watched what I ate, and am even writing it down. Right here and now!

Wt Watchers pizza, coffee, cream . Salmon, rice and peas, salad, potato, sour cream, some salad dressing. Hot chocolate, 2 tangerines. Crystal light lemonade.

It’s not great but it beats what I’ve been doing up to now. Now it’s 6:46 and I can’t eat another thing.

I also went to the dentist and walked back and forth instead of driving. That’s about 3 miles.

Then he told me I need 2 crowns. Not the kind you wear on top of your head when your a princess of queen.

Is there anyone out there, making some progress who would like to share?


Should people ever hold grudges? Is there a time when a grudge supersedes resolving issues?


You can’t expect to live life without running into problems. Sometimes people get so frustrated, that they decide to hold a grudge.  What’s so unsettling about a grudge is that it keeps the bitter feelings alive. It hurts all parties involved every time they think about it.

According to my New Oxford  Online Dictionary a grudge is: resentment, bitterness, rancor, pique, umbrage, dissatisfaction, disgruntlement, bad feelings, hard feelings, ill feelings, ill will, animosity, antipathy, antagonism, enmity, animus; informal a chip on one’s shoulder.

We all know about grudges. A lot of times they occur between countries. Then, what we all end up is a war. It’s like we’re all little kids saying, “I’m right, and your wrong, na, na, na, na, etc! In the meantime, many innocent people are victimized. Look at all our brave soldiers that are killed fighting meaningless wars.

Alcoholics Anonymous recognizes the destructive force that grudges have. In one of the steps, people have to apologize and make amends to people they’ve hurt.

Family Grudges Occur Too Often

It’s amazing how many grudges occur within families. You often hear about brothers and sisters turning against each other. Sometimes, if happens after a parent dies and people have to decide what to do with remaining possessions or money. I’m convinced this all  emanates from childish feelings of jealousy.

I know someone who didn’t talk to his brother for 40 years because they got into a disagreement over a bottle of wine after their father’s funeral. One brother called the other cheap and poured his inexpensive bottle down the drain Unfortunately, by the time they talked one of them had Alzheimer’s Disease and didn’t even recognize his apologetic brother.  So, it never really got settled.

If a child acted like this, we’d put them both in time-out chairs.  After the time-out was over we’d have a little talk.  We would say, “Don’t call your brother cheap, and you apologize right now.”

It takes an effort

I guess if people don’t work to resolve issues, maybe their relationship was superficial in the first place. If you sincerely cared at all about the other person, you wouldn’t let your pride get in the way.

It’s true there are some relationships not worth salvaging; for example,  people who inflict serious physical and emotional damage are not worth talking to again.

Decide if it’s worth working out

If you are feuding with someone, and care about them, this is my advice: act like a grownup and resolve the issue.

You won’t be sorry. Someday, you might even forget what the fight was about, and that it ever happened.

You’re going to gain so much more than you’ll lose

What’s the silliest grudge you ever heard of? Do you ever think it’s a good idea to hold a grudge?

“Liz and Dick” movie on Lifetime: Boring, boring and more boring

Cropped screenshot of Richard Burton and Eliza...

Cropped screenshot of Richard Burton and Elizabeth Taylor from the trailer for the film Cleopatra. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton are probably rolling over in their graves. I’m sure they would not be happy with the portrayal of their lives in the “Lifetime” movie “Liz and Dick.”

I usually enjoy Lindsay Lohan’s performances although she is a little crazy in her real life.  She doesn’t get a pass this time. Lohan plays Taylor too sweet and restrained.  Taylor’s temper tantrums don’t come across as violent or crazy enough. Plus, Lohan hardly varies her tone of voice. I would say it’s time for her to take a few refresher acting lessons, or stay off the booze and pills. She should also do something about her hoarse voice.

The actor who plays Richard Burton, Grant Bowler, was mediocre to bad. He had Burton’s voice down but, he’s just about as boring as Lohan. The two actors had absolutely no chemistry between them. It was impossible to see them as the two hottest lovers of the 20th century.

I watched the whole thing, and I kept hoping it would get interesting. It never delivered.

I remember the Taylor and Burton Scandal

Back in 1963, everyone was scandalized by the Taylor Burton love affair. At the time Taylor was a real vixen who’d broken up the marriage of Debbie Reynolds (actress)  and Eddie Fisher (a well-known singer.)  They were the  all American couple.  Then Elizabeth’s Taylor husband, Mike Todd, died in an airplane crash. Eddie Fisher comforted her and dumped Debbie and married Liz.

During the making of the movie, Cleopatra, Burton and Taylor fell madly in love.  If you watch this too long movie, there is obvious chemistry between them.

I remember reading about the torrid affair in Photoplay Magazine when I was a teenager.   It was the hottest affair of the 60’s. Burton had a stable marriage, and his wife, Sybil,  didn’t easily let him go. She was used to his affairs, but he usually returned home after he was done making a movie. She couldn’t keep him this time.

Taylor was the  glamorous diva actress of the 60’s. People were consumed with this scandal.  (At least teenagers liked to read about it.)

People finally accepted the Burton’s marriage after about 10 years. But wouldn’t you know it, just when people accepted it, they got sick of each other and got divorced. It was sweet when they got remarried a second time. That didn’t last long. (So much for true love.)

If you watch this movie, realize it’s a watered down version of what probably happened.  Better yet, change the channel. Burton and Taylor deserve better.

What did you think of the movie? Anyone like it?

Intervention: The TV Show: A Review

Meghan in jail.

If you think you’re family is bad, watch the TV show “Intervention.”  It has to make you feel better about yourself and your family. Unless, of course, you have terrible parents, and because of them, you are a hopeless drug addict.

Tonight I watched an episode about “Meghan.” When the show opens, she is walking around in jail in a yellow  jump suit. Her straggly hair is pulled back in a wild hairstyle and she looks pathetic.

Why is she in jail?  It’s because this sweet looking 24-year old girl with manacles around her feet, and hands is a heroin addict.

The person who put her in jail is a family friend who she calls “Aunt” Jan. You can’t really blame “Aunt” Jan because Megan stole her jewelry worth $5,000.00. “Aunt”Jan, who is about as warm and cuddly as a Mac truck wants to teach Meghan a lesson.

Meghan’s been arrested 24 times in the last few years for stealing and drugs. You know she’s gotten on her friend’s and family’s  “Most Wanted  List.” Apparently, she’s not as innocent as she looks.

The judge decides to give her one more chance and suspends her sentence. (As long as she stays away from drugs.)  It takes Meghan about 2 days to meet up with her drug dealer. She talks about how excited she is about her “fresh veins” because she’s been in jail for a while.  She sounds like she’s auditioning for “The Twilight” series.

The most compelling part of “Intervention” is when they give each drug addict’s biography. We learn how Meghan went from a sweet little baby to a pathetic drug addict. Meghan’s mother was a good mom until Meghan was about 13. She got angry because her husband was working all the time, and made her raise 3 kids on her own.  In order to get even with him, she left home, and she left her kids with her unfeeling creepy husband .

“Aunt” Jan stepped into help. (We don’t find out why or where she came from.)  Meghan’s mom  figured it was time for her to “get a life.”That’s bad enough, but what comes next is even worse.

Meghan’s mom finally finds the man of her dreams, and comes back to town. Meghan starts visiting her and her boyfriend. By this time, she’s 15.  Her boyfriend gets very cozy with Megan. As a matter of fact, he rapes her, then has a sexual relationship with her for 4 or 5 months. Meghan’s mom finds out, decides it’s  all Meghan’s fault,  and skips town with her boyfriend.  (What a mom!)

Megan decides to cope, the good old American way. She gets into drugs, and eventually becomes a heroin addict.

So what does Megan’s Dad do? Nothing. He doesn’t even talk about it with Meghan. (What a dad!)

The Intervention
Finally, we have “The Intervention” All these self-involved people apologize to Meghan for being so mean to her. They tell her they love her, and want her to get help. Of course, the Interventionist had to tell them to say this. They are about as loving as sticks of furniture. (Except for one of Meghan’s brothers who seems really concerned, and puts his arm around her while they are all “acting”  human).

Meghan’s father blames his parents for his creepiness. He  says “ they weren’t very emotional.”  Meghan’s mother apologizes, but it doesn’t seem genuine. She still  seems irritated at her daughter for ruining her love life.

Meghan agrees to go to treatment. What other choice does she really have? Jail or a Rehab Center? ( I doubt that her parent’s professing their love to her made much of an impression.)
Poor Meghan only lasts in treatment for 9 days, goes home, moves in with her charming mother,  and gets in a methadone program. Now she is addicted to methadone instead of heroin.  At least it’s legal. .

I would think this is all made up except I worked  part-time in a drug and alcohol facility for several years. I know it’s real.

There really are misguided people out there who mess up their kids. Some people do get involved with the wrong crowd and it’s totally their fault. But I heard a lot of stories about unusual caregivers.  I’m convinced bad parenting can result in drug and alcohol addiction.

If you’re immature and selfish, or are a drug or alcohol addict, do everyone a favor. Use birth control and don’t have kids.

Does this show exploit people or help them?  If somehow it reaches out to others, it’s not a total loss. It might also show a person, who is fooling themselves about their addiction,  how pathetic  they look to others.

Has this show helped you or anyone you know?

What do you think?  Do these shows have any value at all? Are they dragging down society instead of lifting it up?

Ten things I’m Grateful for this Thanksgiving: 2012

1 .My best friend for over 40 years. I’m talking about my terrific husband. ( We don’t always agree on things, but that keeps life interesting.)
2. My children, who I would choose as friends. I am proud of each one of them. My son-in-law is pretty cool too!

3.  Good health and being able to see and hear!  (My mother was blind at the end of her life, and I personally witnessed how difficult that was for her.

4. Still being able to travel and enjoying different American cities.

5. My happy childhood and married life.  I can look back on happy times when I  experience frustration. (Yes, I do get down sometimes. It’s in my DNA)

6.  Having activities I can feel passionate about.

An old favorite picture of mine. My mom, and my husband, me, and children.

7. Living in America– Still the greatest nation on earth!

8. Having experienced some great life-cycle events with my family.

The Harmony Project Pays it Back Today : another Harmony Project Post

Teenagers sharing with People from the Unison Project and Harmony Project

Today the teenage group from South High School met with the Unison Project (people who live at the Commons of Buckingham) and the Harmony Project members.

I approached the building, and saw all the teenagers congregated outside. A Unison Project member was outside with them. “I wanted to feel all that energy,” she said. I know what she meant. If you haven’t been around kids for a while , it’s nice to feel their enthusiasm.

City Year, a college group that  works with the students, was in attendance.  They explained that they are assigned schools, and help out the kids with mentoring, tutoring, and all those good things.

David Brown, our director, ushered us inside where all the adults were congregated.The kids had a couple of pieces of Donato’s Pizza. (Some things never change, kids and pizza is one of them.) They came up in an orderly fashion, and were extremely polite.

The kids made a circle around us, and sang the song they are singing in our concerts December 19, and 20th. There is nothing like the sound of kids singing in harmony. Take my word for it, you won’t want to miss them at The Southern Theater. I think they are going to bring the house down.

A few of the kids explained what they were doing at South High School to prepare for the concert. The ones who spoke were very poised.  It includes singing and talking about the same things that Harmony Project talks about. Sharing with each other, and giving back  These might be old ideas, but they work.  David Brown, had them repeat “we’re paying back.”

The rest of us sang our song to them. They gave us a rousing reception.

David asked some of the members of the Unison Project to talk to the kids.One person told them not to give up, and that education is so important.  Another member told them not to let anyone tell them “they can’t do anything, and to reach for the stars.” Member of the Unison Project are people who have worked their way out of homelessness or very tough circumstances. That is a true testament of people who aren’t afraid to make new lives for themselves and want to pass on their knowledge to the younger

He had the kids come up to all of the adults, and introduce themselves. They all followed directions, and were so friendly and engaging.

All in all it was a very inspiring afternoon. Going and singing with the Unison Project is one of my favorite things to do.

All the adults left, and the kids went on to decorate Buckingham Commons, where a great Thanksgiving Celebration is going to take place on Thanksgiving Day. All the members of the Harmony Project want to help, and there will be no shortage of servers or guests.

Everyone starts feeling charitable this time of year. I am proud that The Harmony Project does it all year round.

You can still get tickets for our performance December 19 and 20. Don’t miss a great show! You can get tickets through Capa or me!

My Country Music Journey: From Intolerance to “I like some of it.”

Tonight, I ushered at a country music event. I do this to get free entertainment. After all the seating is finished, I get to sit (or stand) in the back of the theater and watch the show. My duties include seating people, and telling them where the bathroom is located. It’s one way to get out on a Saturday night.

Country Music wasn’t cool  in my neighborhood

When I grew up, country music wasn’t the kind of music I listened to; my contemporaries and I listened to pop hits.  Country stars, like Dolly Parton, wore hokey clothes, too much garish makeup , and her wigs were downright  strange. She used to do  TV laundry detergent commercials with another country star, Porter Wagner. They gave away towels with each detergent purchase. (She based her famous song, “I will Always Love you” on her parting of show biz ways with Wagner.)

My husband liked Country music  

I met my husband, a nice college guy, from Columbus, Ohio, back in the 70’s. He didn’t reveal to me that he liked country music. Every once in a while a country song would come on the radio and he knew every single word.  I soon realized he was a devoted country music fan.  At first, he didn’t want to share this with me  because he was afraid I’d look down on his musical tastes. I tried to be tolerant about the whole thing, but I should have tried harder. As time went on (15 years or so) I  started enjoying some of the music.

Country Music gained popularity.

After a few years, a lot of people who had snubbed this music started listening to it. I opened myself up a little more to this musical genre. (Obviously,  I am too influenced by what other people think.) Country songs do tell a story. The stories are mostly  about cheating,

Dolly Parton at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville.

Dolly Parton at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

getting drunk, going to jail, bad relationships, identity,  love, jealousy and feeling unhappy.

I like the some of the newer stuff because it  sounds more like pop music. I own CD’s by :Carrie Underwood, Shania Twain, and The Dixie Chicks.  Imagine my dismay when I realized a favorite Dixie Chicks song was entitled “White Trash Wedding.”

I still have times when I’m intolerant of country music. I can only take Satellite Radio country music so long. I have to be in the right mood. Early in the morning is not my favorite time to listen to “Willie’s Road House.” The DJ plays a lot of the classics, music I still don’t like that much. The steel guitars and twangy  voices still rub me the wrong way.

I knew some of the words.

Tonight, when I was standing at the back of the theater, I listened to the two opening acts. Surprisingly, the first two acts were pretty good. They were singing some of the classics. I realized I knew a lot of the lyrics, and found myself singing along.

The last act, Jamie Johnson, was a younger guy. He had a classic voice, and his guitar playing was fantastic. He had a terrific, big, back-up band. He had a huge beard and a big pony tail. His clothes weren’t fancy, but the huge bus he had parked by the stage door looked pretty extravagant.

I didn’t make it through the whole show, but I stuck around for most of it. Give me another 10 years or so.
My point: Be open to all forms of entertainment. It might just grow on you!

What’s your favorite kind of music? Have you ever changed your musical tastes?

Why do privileged kids use drugs? Case in point: Stephanie Bonjiovi ( Jon Bon Jovi’s daughter)

Jon Bon Jovi

Jon Bon Jovi (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


drugs (Photo credit: the|G|™)

What is wrong with people? Why would an obviously rich beautiful girl with everything she ever wanted be using or experimenting with heroin. I’m talking about Stephanie Bonjiovi,  daughter of rock star,  Jon Bon Jovi.

Why do these kids keep using drugs?

There is so much warning against all this, yet, they still do it. If you have half a brain, you know that this leads to destruction, pain, and a general stupor. Hey, all you have to do is watch TV. Intervention, Dr. Drew, etc. You have to believe our society really is sick. Was there a time when people didn’t do this? Was there a time when they didn’t want to escape?  ( I can almost understand people leading miserable lives escaping, but privileged people?)

I worked in a drug and alcohol facility in a minor job for a while. I spoke to addicts. They referred to all their ingesting of drugs as “partying.”  I couldn’t believe the number of them who would smile remembering how fabulous shooting themselves up felt. Most of them refused to believe it was a problem.

Maybe they should switch the name from partying to  “killing yourself.” It doesn’t sound as great to say, “I was out killing myself the other night with my friends. We wanted to see which one of us could die first? It was so much fun!” Do these people sound like complete fools to you?

Many of the people I met were ordinary people , and from all walks of life, but once they got into that world they couldn’t get out. You knew that coming to the drug facility wasn’t going to work for many of them. You knew they were going to come back. It’s a hard thing to stop. Isn’t that common knowledge? 

None of the people I spoke with were particularly happy, especially the ones going to jail. Especially the ones who humiliated themselves to get drugs. I heard some horrible stories. People who were given drugs at 4 or 5. People who were expected to get their parents drugs. Poverty, sickness, stealing, and everything in between.

I just don’t get it. Why can’t we get these kids to stop trying to get a thrill out of anesthetizing themselves?

How many warnings do people need?

Why do you think drugs are persisting despite all the warning against them? I’d appreciate your comments. I really want to know.


“Esther and Me” at the CJFilm Festival Inspired Me

I’ve been attending the Columbus Jewish Film Festival for the past few weeks. I’ve really enjoyed all the films. I think independent movies are the best movies being made today.

Today I saw a short little film that really spoke to me. It is called  “Esther and Me.” It was directed by Lisa Geduldig. She made a little film about a very charismatic woman that she met in a Jewish nursing home in New York.

Geduldig meets Esther, a resident of the nursing home, when she runs an activity at the nursing home. . She strikes up a friendship with Esther, who is in her late 80’s.  She used to be a gorgeous fashion model, and then had a career as a stand-up comic. The pictures of her in her youth are particularly striking. Even in her old age,  Esther still looks pretty good.

Her marriage, if she had one, is entirely left out of the film. There is a mention of her daughter, but we don’t meet her. We do know that she has grandchildren because they make an appearance.

Why I liked this film

Although Esther has been sick, and has a shaky hand, she is still vital. She cares enough about herself to still put on makeup everyday. She still makes jokes, and is the life of the party. She enjoys going to the theater and staying up until 11:00 talking to Geduldig.

It reminds us that just because you’re getting old, you’re still a human being who wants and needs recognition, and has something to contribute. Esther seems like she’d be fun to be around. She still has style, and likes to go out. She hasn’t given up on life, and is a fighter, not a complainer!

The most exciting part of the film was when Geduldig gives Esther a chance to do her stand-up act in front of a crowd, and she gets a standing ovation.

Esther gives me some hope

The one message I got out of the movie is you’re not out of the picture until you take yourself out. Although I’m not close to being 89, I am getting close to 65.  It is a little daunting. I always do have the security of knowing I’m not alone. (The Baby-Boomers are quite a presence.)

It also served as a reminder to really talk to the people you admire while they’re still on this earth. Better yet, use your expensive gadgets to document them

Are there older people in your life who inspire you?

Lisa G & Shelley Berman

Lisa G & Shelley Berman (Photo credit: lisagsf)