Silence is golden: 10 pet peeves about cell phones: Any additions?

Cell phones and smart phones are really fun.  I rely on my cell phone as much as anyone else. The only reason I haven’t gotten a smart phone yet is because I don’t want to pay the extra dollars for it. I am also afraid I will become one of those people who I am complaining about in this post. Constantly looking down at my phone, or using it when it’s really inappropriate. I think it’s rude when people prefer their phone to me. .

Here are 10 places I wish people wouldn’t use their phones

1. Movie theater:  I am there to enjoy the movie. I find the light from your phone very
distracting. If you want to stay in your own little world, stay home, rent a video and don’t
put on your freaking phone. There is a reason they run that cute little feature before the movie starts about keeping your phone shut off!

2. Dressing room: Don’t talk on your phone in the next dressing room over when I am trying on clothes. It is depressing enough for me to be looking at myself in the full-length murder. It is annoying to be taking off my shoes, pulling up pants that don’t really fit me, and getting frustrated with the price of everything. I don’t need to hear your personal conversations. I don’t want to hear your arguing with someone on the phone or discussing a matter that requires  professional counseling.

3. Gym: This is especially directed to personal trainers or class instructors. . I may be old, but I’m not stupid. I see you with that phone that you think is hidden, playing games, or checking your email. (while I’m working my fanny off.).

4. Restaurants:  When I am enjoying a meal I paid for I don’t need to hear you talking in 3 volumes up to someone.

5. Traffic: Don’t talk on your phone while driving. People are really risking getting in an accident.  Don’t text. Everyone knows this by now, but they still do it.

6.  Nature path : When I am walking in the woods by myself, the last thing I want to hear is somebody yelling on top of their lungs on their phone. I prefer the sounds of the birds and the wind rusting the leaves of the trees.

7. Library:  I used to like to go to the library to browse and get some peace and quiet. Now, people are allowed to talk on their phones, and I can’t do a thing about it.

8. Public Restrooms:  Can’t I even do “my business: in peace. Can’t you wait until you’ve flushed the toilet?

9. Play or live concert:  I can’t believe the amount of phones that appear in the dark at these events where I’m paying big bucks.

10. Looking for a tenth one. Any suggestions? Comments would be appreciated.

I know I might as well get used to it because things aren’t going to change any time soon. People have to be constantly entertained. It almost seems like they’re afraid to be alone, even for a few minutes. That’s life in the 21st century.  What do you think?  Agree or disagree?

Will a Smartphone make me any smarter?

Smartphone Configuration for Social Media Mark...

Smartphone Configuration for Social Media Marketing in Frederick MD (Photo credit: Frederick Md Publicity)

I must be the only person alive who still doesn’t have a Smartphone.

It isn’t that I don’t want to get one. The fact of the matter is I’m not important enough to actually need one. I don’t know if the cost justifies it for me. What if I lost it?

I don’t have a lot of appointments to keep track of, and I’m not an executive. I don’t really have pictures to show anyone else.

But, I’m thinking it’s important to keep up with technology. I’d like to scroll through the few pictures I have. I’d like to talk to Siri. Would she make me any smarter?

I’ve noticed that once a person gets a Smartphone they are obsessed with it. They are continually checking and re checking their email. It doesn’t matter who they are, or what they’re like. A few minutes after purchasing one, their heads are buried in it.

Maybe it would make me closer to my relatives?  Maybe I would get in the mood to message them if it was more convenient. Would it make me closer to them?

I did hear Danielle Steel, on ” The View”  say it’s making the kids more distant from each other.  She said, “they don’t call each other anymore, and hear a human voice.”

Is she right about that?

Do you think a Smartphone is helpful for a person over 60? What do you like best about yours? Which Smartphone would you recommend?

I would appreciate your comments.


The Case of the disappearing post

English: Apple Computer — Apple Store, M...

Image via Wikipedia

I wrote a post on my views on reality television, however, I lost it when I used Zemanta. I ended up with a picture instead of a post!

I have a Mac, and have religiously gone to some of the classes. I’ve even gotten one-to-one instruction. They young genius helpers are patient. They seem to understand that some people of my generation are just not tuned into the technology age.

They find it strange that I ask for a paper and pencil to write things down. It’s something from the 20th century. Don’t I realize it’s now a paperless world? (Which is a good thing because I hate hunting down little pieces of paper).

When I walked into a Best Buy several years ago, I realized things had drastically changed. Fancy cell phones, answering machines, recording devices, and on and on.  What happened to knobs that you turned? What happened to high and low volume switches? What was going on?

When I went into the Apple store to figure out how to use my new computer,  I looked over at the children at the kiddie computers.  It was especially disturbing to see the little boy sitting in the chair with the pacifier hanging out of his mouth expertly playing a game.  These days they must be  born with a computer chip in their brains.

I finally have realized that I need to back up my posts.Because when they’re gone, I don’t have the patience to reconstruct them.

I realized that it can be generational when I sat down with my uncle several years ago, and tried to show him how to use a mouse. He just couldn’t get it. I just didn’t have the patience to wait till he caught on. I suddenly understood why my son looked like he was going to explode when he’d agree to help me every once in a while.

In the meantime, I’ll renew my one-to-one at the Apple Store and keep at it. It’s a good way to meet other people my own age. They’re sitting at the projects table with me.

I have to clarify that there are plenty of people my age who are fantastic at technology. Some of them have been leaders in the field. I guess, some of us are born to adapt to this stuff, and others just have to keep taking classes.

Dare I try to add a picture to this post?  Will it disappear?

Anybody with some simple tips you can give me about word-press? Put it in the comments section.

I’ll reconstruct my reality TV  post tomorrow. I thought it was one of my best.

If you’ve had the same experience, feel free to comment. If you have advice, make it as simple as possible!

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